Do you own a web site that is continually failing to make you any money? Don't feel alone because 90% of the web sites on the internet are just like yours. So, what if I told you that you could earn money online, practically overnight!
You might not believe me but the facts are you can. I am about to show you 3 quick and easy steps to earn money online, fast.

These are proven techniques that will send fast cash into your bank account, even while you sleep. Put them to work for you and watch the money come rolling in.
Follow these 3 quick and easy steps and you will be able to earn money online like the pros.

1. Market Someone Else's Product - If you have your own web site, or even if you don't, you can find an affiliate product that is relevant to your market and sell it for a commission. Many of these affiliate programs pay as much as a 75% commission on sales.

Here is an easy tactic you can use to sell your affiliate product. If you have your own site then put a text link in a highly visible area on your website. The middle of the page, top right, or bottom right seem to be prime web site real estate.

Make sure to use a text link instead of a banner, they convert better! When you write your text, do so in the form of a recommendation for the product. This technique usually works the best because the people that come to your website consider you an expert on your market.

Put more than one text link on your web pages. What draws the attention of one person may not another. So always write two to three text link ads and put them on various places on each of your web pages.

2. Use a Joint Venture to Jumpstart your Sales - Maybe you have a product but are new to the internet and don't have a list. You are interested in increasing your web site traffic and building your credibility to increase your sales. No problem, what you need to do is find someone in your niche market that has an established web site and a list of customers.

Use the search engines and references from other site owners to locate someone that might be interested in recommending your product to their customer list in return for a share of the profits. You need to make this a win-win situation for them. Understand that you are the one needing help, not them.

So when you approach them have the attitude of how this venture can benefit them and not you.
Tell them that you think your product would be a valuable benefit for their customers. Give them a FREE copy of your e-book or your product to let them see for themselves. Make sure that you provide all of the marketing materials they will need, like ezine ads, articles, text links, and banners.

Most importantly, make it worth their time by giving them a minimum of 50% of the profits for utilizing their list. You need to understand that their list is the heart and soul of their business and that they will only recommend products to their customers that they feel will benefit them. As a list owner you can not afford to risk your reputation on low quality products.

A joint venture is a great way to jumpstart your sales and will lead to more profitable joint ventures in the future!
3. Give Something Away to Profit in the Future - One of the best ways to secure huge amounts of profits is to give something away to your web site visitors.

This does two things, the first, it is a great way to get their trust and secondly, by giving them a taste of what you have to offer many of them will end up buying the whole meal.
A great technique to use, especially if you have an information product like an e-book, is to give away a free report or mini-course related to the topic of your information product.

This will allow you to get their email address so you can send them follow up emails promoting your product, or other people's products like in example 1. You are also building a list of people that have an interest in your niche market. If they like your material they will come back for more!

So give away a free email report or mini-course, you can even put links to your products or affiliate products in the free report, so it becomes an income stream. If you will give away something to get their interests peaked and their trust heightened it will lead to greater sales in the near future.
In closing, you can put these simple but powerful techniques to work for you and begin earning money online overnight. They are not hard it just takes a little gumption to get started. When you see the results start rolling in you will realize it was worth the effort.

Today tip will help you to enjoy the quick and easy way to find lost files on your computer. Here I recommends you, try to search a file with its file extensions (for example for word file, type *.doc, Excel *.xls, Acrobat *.pdf, *.ppt and *.exe for executable files. If you don't know the name of file but know that it contains a string of text then try to search for files containing specific text, type the text you want to find from any file or folder. This is time taking process but creates very precise result. In Look in, click the drive, folder, or network you want to search. To save time, always select the specified drive or location instead of whole computer.
Click Start Button, point to Search, and then click For File or Folders, a Search Results dialog box will appear. In Search for files or folders named, type the file name or folder name you want to find in containing text.
To specify additional search criteria, click Search Options, and then click one or more of the following options to narrow your search:
  • Select Date to look for files that were created or modified on or between specific dates.
  • Select Type to look for files of a specific type, such as a text or WordPad document.
  • Select Size to look for files of a specific size.
  • Select Advanced Options to specify additional search criteria.
  • Click Search now.
  • Many of you get your mobile phone wet by one way or another. You worry as you mistakenly drop your mobile phone in water. It can also get wet if you are out in a heavy rain.  However, there is no need to panic. It is possible to save your wet mobile phone by quickly repairing it. In order to save your mobile phone from water damage, you can consider these easy and simple solutions:

    Act rapidly :
    The first thing you have to do in order to save your wet mobile phone is to act rapidly. Quickly remove all the detachable parts as well as covers possible such as the back cover, battery, the SIM card, memory card etc. Next, take a piece of cloth or a tissue paper to wipe the excess water you are able to notice within the mobile phone. Make sure that you dry it completely. If you don' t do this, the water inside the mobile phone will begin to evaporate and gather in places which will be difficult to reach.
      This will save your wet mobile phone and it will start working if it was under water for just a little while.

    Using a hairdryer :
    Take a hairdryer and begin drying the mobile phone while giving more consideration to the place where the battery is located. The battery housing usually consists of tiny holes to let in air (so giving more space for water) inside the mobile phone.
    Make sure that you are not holding the hairdryer very near to the mobile phone. Keeping it too close to the mobile phone may harm the electrical mechanism of the mobile phone. Keep on drying the mobile phone from a safe distance for about twenty to thirty minutes.
    If solution number 1 and solution number 2 don't work, try solution number 3. 

    Drying for a long time:
    Take off the covers as well as battery from the mobile phone. Put the phone in a dry as well as warm place to let the water inside the phone evaporate gradually from the little holes in the mobile phone.
The reason we secure a wireless network is to stop people from using the services of our network who don't have permission to utilize them. It is harder to secure a wireless network from hackers as compared to a classic wired network. This is due to the fact that a wireless network can be accessed anywhere inside the range of its antenna.

In order to secure a wireless network from hackers, we should take proper steps to save ourselves against security issues. If you don't secure a wireless network from hackers, you might end up without its service. The consequence might also include the utilization of our network to attack further networks. To secure a wireless network from hackers, you should follow these simple wireless networking tips:
1.       Strategic antenna placement:
The first thing you have to do is to position the access point's antenna in a place which restricts the range of its signal to go further than the required area. You should not put the antenna close to a window because glass can't obstruct its signals. Place it in a central location of the building.
2. Use WEP:
WEP stands for Wireless encryption protocol.  It's a customary technique for encrypting traffic on a wireless network. You should never skip it as that will allow hackers to get instant access to the traffic over a wireless network.
3.       Change the SSID, disable the broadcast of SSID:
SSID stands for service set identifier.  It is the recognition thread utilized by the wireless access point due to which the customers are capable of starting connections. For every wireless access point arranged, select an exclusive as well as unique SSID. Also, if it's attainable, hold back the broadcast of the SSID out over the antenna. It won\t appear in the listing of offered networks, while being able to provide services as usual.
4.       Disable DHCP:
By doing this, the hackers will have to decode the TCP/IP parameters, subnet mask as well as the IP address in order to hack your wireless network.
5.       Disable or modify SNMP settings:
Change the private as well as public community settings of SNMP. You can also just disable it. Otherwise the hackers will be able to utilize SNMP to get significant info regarding your wireless network.
6.       Utilize access lists:
For additional security of your wireless network, and if your access point support this feature, employ an access list. An access list lets us determine precisely which machinery is permitted to attach to an access point. The access points which include the access list can employ trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) now and then in order to download modernized lists to steer clear of hackers. 

Thank U.

Game: Rainbow six Shadow Vanguard 1.0.1 APK + DATA Direct Link Download and play Rainbow Six Shadow Vanguard by Gameloft. Rainbow Six Rainbow six "is a first-person shooter masterpiece, there are some differences and general first-person shooter game, it is more focused on the tactical level strategy.

The background of the game is positioned in the prevalence of terrorism today, you need to become the commander of an elite anti-terrorist units, command six hands go on to obtain intelligence, bomb disposal and rescue the hostages.

Game Features
  • The history of the first landing Android system, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (Rainbow Six?) Game!
  • Challenges based on the classic game "Rainbow Six" adapted and enhanced classic checkpoints
  • Many sneak into tools - from the snake-like camera to the muffler, plus various upgraded version of the weapon, quietly destroy the enemy in one fell swoop
  • Experience of joint action mode and a variety of multiplayer modes
  • Through joint local and online modes of action, the task of challenging the entire game together with up to two friends.
  • Participate in the multiplayer mode supports up to 10 people, five unique, very excited Map in a showdown with the best troops in the world, leaders.
Version: 1.0.1
Size: 420 MB
Required android: ARMv7 ONLY
Instruction: Extract Zip..install apk and put data on Sdcard/
Direct LINK:  ONLY SUPPORT 3G/WIFI (Tegra, Mali) (Xperian Play)

ring the fun and creative possibilities of Adobe® Photoshop® software to your phone with Adobe Photoshop Touch for phone!

Photoshop Touch for phone
Transform your images with core Photoshop features. Combine images, apply professional effects, and share results with friends and family through Facebook and Twitter — all from the convenience of your phone. Enjoy most of the same features as the tablet version:

  • Use popular Photoshop features, such as layers, selection tools, adjustments, and filters, to create mind-blowing images. 
  • Improve your photos using classic Photoshop features to bring out the best in your photography. Apply precise tone and color adjustments to your entire composition, a particular layer, or a select area.
  • Create something other-worldly using painting effects, filter brushes, and so much more. With Photoshop Touch, the creative possibilities are endless. 
  • Make your images pop with graphical text. Apply strokes, add drop shadows and fades, and more.
  • Take advantage of your device’s camera to fill an area on a layer with the unique Camera Fill feature. 
  • Quickly combine images together. Select part of an image to extract just by scribbling with the Scribble Selection tool. With the Refine Edge feature, use your fingertip to easily capture hard-to-select image elements, like hair. 
  • Start a project on your phone and finish it on your tablet* or back in Photoshop** at your desk using a free membership to Adobe Creative Cloud™.*** Your projects are automatically synced between your devices. 
  • Free membership to Creative Cloud provides 2GB of cloud storage.
  • Work on high-resolution images while maintaining the highest image quality. Images up to 12 megapixels are supported.
Requires separate purchase of Photoshop Touch for tablet.
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 or later. 
  • Internet connection and complimentary level of membership to Adobe Creative Cloud is required for use of this feature. Creative Cloud membership is only available to users 13 and older and requires agreement to additional terms and Adobe's online privacy policy at
Creative Cloud may not be available in all countries or languages and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice.

What's in this version: (Updated : Apr 11, 2013)
  • Adding support for Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish languages.
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :

Download : 20Mb APK

See the world through a novel, original, stylish and captivating lens!

Paper Camera
Real time cartoon and painting effects displayed on your camera feed! See the world through a new, original, stylish and captivating lens, have a wonder in your own home and discover how cool is now your world in cartoon!

This is the ultimate collection of cartoon/sketch/comic book/half tone/noir/neon and many other effects painted directly in your camera, no more boring post-effects, it's all real time, you simply won't stop wandering, wherever you are, having a look at things and cartoon-ize them!

You can wave your phone around and see the world change before your eyes, take pictures using any of the stylish cartoon effects or apply them to your existing photos.

  • Higher res pictures
  • Integration with more social networking sites
  • More filters
What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 11, 2013)
  • Fixed broken Comic Boom effect on the Nexus4
  • Fixed app freezing on some Xperia devices
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

Download : 10Mb APK

Join Hooved Justice and the Herd of Heroes in the fight against Dr. Fizz and his army of Bullies!

Herd Of Heroes
Fast paced action awaits in 30 levels of beautiful illustrated graphics over 5 different areas. Unlock new characters with special abilities and collect all of the missing milk and hero coins. Can you stop Dr. Fizz and recover the missing milk in time? There's only one way to find out!

What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 26, 2013)
  • Added a couple of extra cowbells for those especially difficult stages.-Heroes are now invincible while in hero mode
  • Assorted level based bug fixes
  • Hero mode areas are now visible without being in hero mode
  • Additional level and graphic adjustments
  • 10% bigger action on screen for smaller devices
  • Button controls added as an option in the controls menu on the pause screen
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 30Mb APK

EVA is the best Voice Assistant for Android !

EVA - Virtual Assistant
Who should use EVA? If you are looking for an application that provides hands-free operation of your phone to open apps, read and reply to text messages and email, schedule calendar events and many more functions that you can perform using just your voice then EVA is right for you. 
If you are just looking for an electronic friend to chat with then please go with one of the Siri clones. On the other hand if you want a real virtual assistant that has useful functions that will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.

EVA has all the functions you'd expect your assistant to perform plus some that you probably never new were possible. Here is a list of some of the functions that you wont find in most of the competition:
  • Home Automation with INSTEON. Turn on the lights and appliances, open the garage door and a whole lot more, all with voice commands or scheduled or based on your location.
  • Location based reminders. Remind you to do something based on your location.
  • Location based actions. Perform any function that EVA can do based on your current location. Have EVA automatically text your wife when you leave the office.
  • Time based actions. Perform any function that EVA can do on a set day and time
  • In car mode including wake up phrase
  • Custom voice shortcuts to your phone applications. Give your apps any name you want and open them using that name.
  • Voice bookmarks to your favorite web sites. Give your bookmarks any name you want and open them using that name. 
  • Activate just by shaking your phone
  • Works with all Bluetooth Headsets
What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 10, 2013)
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 6.5Mb APK

The legendary platforming hero is making the jump to your favorite mobile device!

Rayman Jungle Run
The legendary platforming hero is making the jump to your favorite mobile device! Rayman Jungle Run is powered by the same UbiArt Framework engine that brought you Rayman Origins - Winner of numerous Game of the Year and Platformer of the Year awards.
  • Beautiful graphics
  • New worlds to discover
  • New powers to unlock
  • Captivating music
  • Smooth touch-based controls
  • Exclusive wallpapers to unlock for your device
Rayman Jungle Run is easy for all ages to pick up and play, but challenging for the longtime Rayman fans to master. Unlock the Land of the Livid Dead levels if you have the skills!

What's in this version: (Updated : Apr 11, 2013)
  • Rayman’s journey in the jungle continues with 20 entirely new levels… FOR FREE!
  • Dodge cannon balls and jump your way through falling rocks in the new Pirate Ship section for more exhilarating action!
  • Rush faster than ever in the Boss Plant chapter to escape a giant “flower” that doesn’t smell too good.
  • After so much running, will you dare enter the two new Land of the Livid Dead levels?
Required Android O/S : 2.3.3+

Screenshots :

Download: 100Mb (APK+OBB)
  • Install APK
  • Copy 'com.pastagames.ro1mobile' folder to 'sdcard/Android/obb'
  • Launch the Game

Widgets are beautiful. Premium Widgets are AWESOME!

Premium Widgets HD
Fantastic Widgets in HD, with clock & weather + professional weather App with 4-day hourly forecast, detailed info and HD weather animations. The most beautiful widgets + weather app for Android Tablets!

Choose between 6 different Widgets, each skinnable with 10 different themes. Widgets include Digital Clock, special effects like rain drops or clouds, and weather forecast.

With just a touch the app enters "full screen mode" with beautiful weather HD animations and detailed forecast. Other features include detailed weather info, location-aware weather, weather by city name, and more.

Widgets include:
  • 3 Different Premium Clocks with weather
  • Homescreen widget with clock, weather, hourly forecast, 3-day forecast.
  • Small Clock + weather
  • Special effects (rain drops, sunshine, clouds)
  • Each widget supports 10 different skins!
Main Weather App include:
  • "Today" advanced weather data (pressure, humidity, visibility, cloud cover, precipitation)
  • 4-day hourly weather forecasts (morning, mid-day, evening, night)
  • Today Sunrise/Sunset time
  • Full Screen Weather animations (night & day)
  • data by World Weather Online 
  • Works with city name or GPS
Premium Widgets is the fastest growing weather app, with over 20 updates released in a few month. We are working hard to make it always better, we want it to be the best!

What's in this version: (Updated : Apr 6, 2013)
  • Fixed widget update bug
  • Fixed crash bug
  • 5 New Skins
  • New city search results
  • Many other improvements
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 11Mb APK